This is a 1:400 scale plastic model kit made in the former Soviet Union by a Moskow factory by the end of the 1970's as a replica of the Russian AURORA (ABPOPA) cruiser. This ship was considered important in the former Soviet Union as in 1917 most of the crew joined the Bolsheviks and a blank shot from her forecastle gun signalled the start of the October Revolution. There were only basic instructions included on how to build the model and a glue, so the end result is a pretty basic replica of the ship in all grey plastic, but the details are relatively good.
POTEMKINE (Потемкин)
Here's another 1:400 scale plastic model kit built by the end of the 1970's in the former Soviet Union as a replica of the POTEMKINE battleship. The original name was in fact Prince Potemkin of Tauris (Князь Потёмкин Таврический). Just like the AURORA this was also a simple and basic all grey plastic model kit with only basic instructions on how to build it.
T-34 tank (TAHK T-34)
The most-produced tank of the of World War II, and the second most-produced tank of all time, this is the T-34. A plastic scale model kit of the famous T-34 russian tank made by the same company from Moskow who made the AURORA and POTEMKINE plastic replica ship models. Also built during the 1970's but in contrast to the ship models these have more details, a better quality and more moving parts. The wheels are turning allowing the continuous track to move. The turret rotates and the gun can also been moved.
The Military Models
Panzer T 55 (Art. 1077)
The EspeweModelle collection featured a small number of military vehicles. This is a plastic scale model of a Panzer T 55 Soviet battle tank introduced after the WW II. The tank is a 1:87 plastic scale model with rotating turret and a set of wheel for movement. Unlike other models from the EspeweModelle collection that are rather well built with great details this tank is poorly constructed. I still remember that I had to glue the main gun in order to stay upright and the wheel holder plastic to prevent the wheels from falling "during heavy battle scenes ... " (Of course I never really played with this model because of these imperfections) The box is a standard EspeweModelle cardboard box with the usual presentation.